Merry Christmas and a Happy 2024

We wish all our members, old and new, a very Happy Christmas and New Year.

Our Chairman made this wreath with things from his garden

There will be no meeting in January. We look forward to seeing you all on February 1st when local historian, Sue Virgin, will present ‘Upwey, a Walk Down Memory Lane’. Our meetings are open to all, members free, visitors £2.

December Quiz and Meal. This was again very enjoyable and we thank all who contributed in any way to it’s success.

During the evening an award was presented to the ladies who have provided teas and cakes at our two shows for many years. They include Sue Mountjoy, Carol White, Eve Price, Helen Goodman and Gill Wilkinson.

The Mary Middlemass Plate was awarded to the person who gained most points in our Flower and Plant of the Month competitions over the year, Eve Morris.

The Quizmaster, our Chairman, Shaun

Pondering the questions



The winning team

The Committee