Our first talk of the year took place on 6th February. David Ennals gave us a fascinating talk on Bonsai. He gave detailed guidance on how to achieve these tiny trees and brought along a lovely selection from his own collection. The procedure seemed quite straightforward but plenty of patience is needed! The members and guests present were plainly captivated and asked several questions at the end.
Our next meeting will be on March 6th, 7.30pm at the school when Charles Cheshire will give a talk entitled ‘Clematis and Roses, The Perfect Combination’.
March also sees our Spring Show on 15th at the Memorial Hall, Victoria Avenue. The schedule can be downloaded from the ‘Shows’ link. Copies are also available from P & M Read’s florists on Dorchester Road, Broadwey, or by ringing the show secretary on 01305 813942 or email shows@budhs.org.uk