The A.G.M., held at the Memorial Hall, was well attended. The Annual Reports were presented and the Treasurer’ Report showed that we have a healthy bank balance.
It was agreed that subscriptions should remain at £6 per annum and become due in September to avoid any confusion. Anyone joining in February or March should pay £3 to take them over to September.
Unfortunately, no new committee members were elected. If anyone feels that they could serve on the committee, please let Ros Gant know. We meet on the second Tuesday evening of each month.
The Members’ Mini-Show was well supported with 40 entries. This was judged by Mark Read. He chose Ros Gant’s beautiful pot of tulips as Best Exhibit.
Ros Gant presented the Mary Middlemass trophy to Kay Graham. This trophy is awarded to the person gaining most points during the year in our Flower and Plant of the Month competitions. Members can bring any flower or plant (or both) to the monthly meetings and these are judged by the speaker.
Pelargoniums supplied by Island Gardens Nursery were given to members to grow on for the Summer Show and fuchsias and petunias, supplied by The Gold Club, were given out to bring back for judging at the September meeting
Don’t forget the visit to Poundbury Garden Centre on 26th April when we will have a talk followed by shopping with a 25% discount. Arrive by 6.45 pm please.