There are signs of Spring already with snowdrops, crocuses and early daffodils appearing all around us.
Our February meeting was very well attended when Clive Groves came to talk about violets. It was very interesting to hear about his family’s involvement with violets, going back to his grandfather. Clive holds the national collection and it was surprising to hear that there are many different colours. He has bred several new varieties and named them after his family members. A fascinating talk.
Our March meeting, on the 5th, will take the form of a Gardener’s Question Time.
We have three local horticulturalists on the panel. If you have a question, please write it on the form provided on the night and pop it in the pot. Questions will be picked from the pot and answered by each panelist in turn.
The Spring Show takes place on 21st March at the Memorial Hall. Full details on the ‘Shows’ link.
The A.G.M. is on 2nd April. We would be very pleased to welcome new committee members. We especially need a minute secretary and someone willing to organise the tombolas at the shows. It would help for us to know if you are interested by 21st March. Contact any committee member or see us at the show, if you need more information.