Signs of Spring and Hope for the Summer

The recent sunny days have cheered us and the reduction of virus cases gives us hope for the summer. We hope to be able to hold our Summer Show on August 21st. A definite decision will be made at a later date when more is known.

 We have been contacted by a Garden Club in Staffordshire who have organised a series of talks on zoom. They have called it the Tender Shoots Garden Club Network. You can find an introductory video at https://youtube/A1Q3Cq24I0. The talks can also be watched on  youtube if you are not used to zoom, just enter Tender Shoots Garden Club Network.

These pictures were taken in the last week. Crocuses under the roses, snowdrops under camellias, hyacinths in pots and borders beginning to show colour.




Gold Club Newsletter. March Newsletter 2021 Anita