November and December Meetings

We are very happy to announce that St. Nicholas and St.  Laurence School have said that we can now hold our meetings there as we did before Covid.

Our November meeting, on Tuesday 2nd , will include a talk by the Gold Club on Gardening for Climate Change.

Membership fees will be due at this meeting and you will be asked to fill in a membership form to be held only by the Treasurer. There will be the usual raffle, refreshments and Flower and Plant of the Month competition. We are also introducing a £2 charge for guests to help with Society funds.

The December Meeting, on Tuesday 7th, will include a Christmas supper (£6 for members and £7.50 for guests) and fun Quiz. Please add your names to the list on November 2nd  so that we have numbers for catering.

We are planning to revert to a Thursday evening from February onwards and are working on booking speakers. Details will be published later.