Busy Times Ahead

Our Summer Show is almost upon us (17th August), so it is time to think about what you can exhibit. With such a wide range of categories there should be something you can enter.  We have a Novice section for new exhibitors or people who have not won a first prize in the relevant class. We are always pleased to welcome new exhibitors in any section of the show as well as our regulars, of course. Schedules  available from P.&M. Read’s, the show secretary or download from the ‘Shows’ link.

some lovely orchids in last year’s show

If you won a trophy last year please return it to the show secretary in good time or if it is easier for you, Read’s shop.

Our programme of talks begins on September 5th with a speaker from The Gold Club. The subject is Ponds for Ornamental Plants and Fish.

If you took a plant supplied by the Gold Club in the spring, please remember to bring it along for judging. Winners receive a voucher to be spent with the Gardens Group (Pounbury, Sherborne or Brimsmore).

More from our members’ gardens;

A lovely colourful display making the most of a small space.