April Activities

Our Annual General Meeting held on 6th April was very well attended and the number of entries in  the Members’ Mini Show  was the highest for several years. Mark Read was the judge and awarded prizes to Ros Gant for a wonderful pot of tulips and Jean Wyman for best single bloom, coincidentally, also a tulip.

Officers remain the same but Jean Fairbrother said she would have to give up the post of Treasurer at the end of the financial year (December 31st). If anyone is able to take  this over, please let Ros Gant know. One new committee member was appointed which is very good news.

On April 20th members will be visiting Poundbury Garden Centre. Meet in the restaurant at 6.45 pm for coffee followed by a talk. Then browse around the garden centre and any purchases will attract a 25% discount. This is always a very enjoyable evening.

Our Next Meeting is on 4th May when Jan Willment of Island Gardens Nursery will be demonstrating Hanging Baskets. 

The Plant Sale on the 13th May will soon be here. The Memorial Hall will be open from 1 pm to receive plants with the sale starting at 2 pm.