Our A.G.M. was held on 2nd September at the Memorial Hall and we were very pleased with the attendance. Proceedings went well and new officers were elected.
Officers for 2021/22;
Chairman Mr. Shaun Vallard
Vice-Chairman Mrs. Ros Gant
Secretary Mr. Neil Coad
Treasurer Mrs. Denise Caves
Show Secretary Mrs. Eve Morris
A Committee meeting will be held on 14th September when a programme of events and speakers will be decided. Members will be advised both individually and via the web-site of the first meeting.
Due to the uncertainty surrounding schools and Covid, we have not been able to book the school for our talks, therefore we will be meeting in the Memorial Hall for the foreseeable future. We will, however, have to change our evening from the first Thursday to the first Tuesday of each month due to hall availability. We hope that this will not adversely affect our members.
We look forward to seeing members, old and new, in the near future.