This year’s show, held on Saturday August 18th, was again very successful. The standards of vegetable, flower and pot plant exhibits were very high despite the very dry weather recently. In fact, standards were high across the show with wonderful floral arrangements and handicrafts. Our photography and cookery entries continue to increase as do the children’s entries. There were 300 entries in total. Judges commented on the excellent exhibits.

The hall is ready for exhibitors.

exhibits begin to arrive

More exhibits

children’s decorated flower pots

the Trophies are set up

some lovely orchids
Special Awards
N.V.S. Medal. Best Vegetable Exhibit (Leeks) Mark Read, N.V.S. Runner – Up to Best Vegetable (Onions) Mark Read, Silver Challenge Cup. Best Vegetable Collection Mark Read, Charles Read Memorial Cup. Highest points in Vegetable Classes Bill Howarth, Tomato Trophy. Best Exhibit Mark Read, Produce Challenge Cup. Best Mixed Collection John Morris, Garden News Shield. Lady with the Highest Points in Vegetable Calsses Jean Wyman and Dot Emblen, Springfield Cup. Best Exhibit, Fruit Classes Bill Howarth, National Dahlia Society Silver Medal and Bronze Medal Frank Newbery, The Beaton Challenge Cup. Highest Points, Flower Classes Bill Howarth, Bincombe Cup. Best Exhibit, Cut Flowers Peter Read, The Gladioli Award. Best Exhibit John Morris, Pelargonium Shield. Best Exhibit Mark Read, Begonia Award. Best Exhibit Peter Read, Amateur Produce Challenge Cup. Highest Points, Novice Classes Sharon Power, Pridham Rose Bowl. Highest Points, Floral Decoration and Sackville Hamilton Cup for Best Exhibit Brenda Woodsford, Howard Cup. Highest Points, Preserves and Cookery and Richards Trophy. Best Exhibit Chris Warner, Westbrook Cup. Best Exhibit, Handicrafts Jane Hambleton, Redlands Cup. Highest Points, Photography in Spring and Summer Shows Adrian Read, Cup for Highest Points, Group 1 Children’s classes George Gant, Virgin Challenge Cup. Highest Points, Group 2 Children’s Classes Isla Brown, The R.H.S Banksian Medal. Highest Points in Horticulture Classes John Morris, The EFCO Trophy. Highest Points in Show Bill Howarth

plenty for the cookery judge to taste!
It was a wonderful show and plenty of visitors came to enjoy the colourful display. The hall is ideal for this sort of event as there was still room for tea tables. These were soon taken up by people enjoying tea and home-made cakes. Awards were presented by our President, Mr Peter Read.
A huge thank you to all who exhibited and all who helped in any way to make the show the success that it was.
The Society meet on September 6th at St. Nicholas and St. Laurence school at 7.30 pm for a talk on House Plants.
Members should bring the plants supplied by the Gold Club for judging.