Our Summer Show this year was again very successful. Held on 19th August, it attracted 330 exhibits from 47 exhibitors. Both figures are higher than last year and it is very encouraging that they include several new exhibitors.
The judges were kept busy and here we see Dennis Hewitson inspecting the vegetables with Mike Rawlins in the background starting on the dahlias.
All the judges commented on the high standard of exhibits across the show so well done to all who entered.
The many visitors enjoyed looking around during the afternoon, having a go on the tombola and finishing off with tea and home-made cake.
More photos for your interest.
These pelargoniums were kindly supplied by Island Gardens Nursery in the Spring and grown on by our members. Eve Morris, Gill Wilkinson and Mary Edgell won first, second and third prizes.
N.V.S. Medal. Best Vegetable Exhibit (Runner Beans), Jean Wyman N.V.S. Runner-up to Best Vegetable, Mark Read Silver Challenge Cup. Best Vegetable Collection, Mark Read Charles Read Memorial Cup. Highest Points in Vegetable Classes, Mark Read The Tomato Trophy, Ray Hayward Upwey and Broadwey Produce Challenge Cup. Mixed Collection, John Morris Garden News Shield. Lady with Highest Points in Vegetables, Diane Norris Springfield Cup. Best Exhibit, Fruit Classes, John Morris National Dahlia Society Silver Medal, Frank Newbery National Dahlia Society Bronze Medal, Frank Newbery Beaton Challenge Cup. Highest Points, Flower Classes, Bill Howarth Bincombe Cup. Best Exhibit, Cut Flowers, Bill Howarth Gladioli Award. Best Exhibit, Evelyn Morris Coronation Silver Challenge Cup. Best Exhibit, Pot Plants, Mark Read Pelargonium Shield. Best Exhibit, Mark Read Begonia Award, Mark Read Upwey and Broadwey Memorial Amateur Produce Challenge Cup. Novice Classes, Chris Warner and Neil Coad Pridham Rose Bowl. Highest Points, Floral Decoration, Doris Flack Sackville Hamilton Challenge Cup. best Exhibit, Floral Decoration, Brenda Woodsford Howard Cup. Highest Points, Preserves and Cookery,Neil Coad The Richards Trophy. Best Exhibit, Preserves and Cookery, Ron Warner Westbrook Cup. Best Exhibit, Handicraft Classes, Roger Hanger Redlands Cup. Highest points in Photography, Spring and Summer Show, Adrian Read Junior Cup for Highest Points,Children’s Classes Group 1, Dylan Virgin and Matilda Stock Virgin Challenge Cup. Highest Points,Children’s Classes Group 2, Isla Brown R.H.S. Banksian Medal. Mark Read The Efco Trophy. Highest Points gained in Show, Bill Howarth