Summer Show Results

Our Summer Show, held on 2oth August, was our biggest for several years. Entries were up and the standard was high in all sections.  It was pleasing to see new exhibitors adding to the overall success of the show.

The dahlia entries were well up on last year and made a beautiful display. Pot plants, cut flowers and vegetables all added to the colourful scene.

Ready for judging

Ready for judging

The floral arrangements were lovely and no doubt hours of work had been put in to the skilfully executed handicrafts. The children produced some wonderful monsters and scarecrows.

A very good show enjoyed by all.

Cut flower section

Cut flower section

Container of mixed flowers

Container of mixed flowers

Special awards.

National Vegetable Society Medal  Best Exhibit.            Mark Read                                NVS Runner-up to Best Exhibit                                   Adrian Read

Silver Challenge Cup  Best Vegetable Collection           Mark Read

Charles Read Memorial Cup Highest Points (Veg.)       Bill Howarth

Tomato Trophy                                                                 John Morris

Produce Challenge Cup  Best Mixed Collection              Mark Read

Garden News Shield  Lady with Highest Points in Vegetable Classes                             shared by Gill Wilkinson and Jean Wyman

Springfield Cup  Best Exhibit, Fruit Classes                    Bill Howarth

National Dahlia Society Silver Medal                           Rodger Turner

National Dahlia Society Bronze Medal                        Frank Newbery

Beaton Challenge Cup  Highest points, Flower Classes  John Morris

Bincombe Cup Best Exhibit, Cut Flower Classes            Bill Howarth

Gladioli Award  Best Exhibit                                                 Matt Ings

Coronation Silver Challenge Cup   Best Pot Plant             Mark Read

Pelargonium Shield      Best Exhibit                               Shaun Vallard

Begonia Award             Best Exhibit                                  Peter Read

Amateur Produce Challenge Cup  Highest Points  Novice Classes                                   shared by P. Tyler and D. Caves

Pridham Rose Bowl  Highest Points, Floral Dec.                                                         Brenda Woodsford

Sackville Hamilton Cup Best Exhibit, Floral Dec.                                                                   Brenda Woodsford

Novice Floral Award                                                      Julia Sheffield

The Howard Cup Highest Points, Preserves and Cookery                                                   Chris Warner

The Richards Trophy Best Exhibit, Preserves and Cookery                                                 Chris Warner

Westbrook Cup          Best Handicraft Exhibit                Alison White

Redlands Cup Highest Points, Photography                                                                (Spring and Summer Shows)                 Adrian Read

Cup for Highest Points Group 1 Children’s Classes    Dylan Virgin

Virgin Challenge Cup, Highest Points Group 2              Riley Virgin

Banksian Medal Highest Points, Horticulture                Bill Howarth

Efco Trophy Highest Points gained in Show                  Bill Howarth