Spring Show 2014 Report

DSC09049_DxODaffodils were the stars of the show when we held our annual Spring Show.
Standards were so high that there were 4 entries in the Champion Class, with exhibitors coming from as far afield as Bristol and Hampshire.

DSC09037_DxOThe show continues to grow from strength to strength with entries up nearly 20 percent on 2013 with 215 exhibits from 41 entrants. As Chairman I was particularly delighted with the art and photographic entries. Judges commented on the high standards set by the exhibitors in all classes and that it was a delight to come and judge at our shows.
The show was a triumph for Bill Haworth and Ray Hayward who shared the top awards while Cheryl Fane winning the Novice Shield.

Many thanks to everyone who made the show such a success.