Broadwey & Upwey Horticultural Society March meeting newsletter
More seeds needed for Plant Sale
Could you sew a few more seeds this year with a view to bringing them in for the society to sell at our plant sale on May 5th 2012.
April brings a very exciting event to the society’s calendar – The AGM combined with the mini show, for members only on Thursday 19th April 2012.
The business of an AGM will be to appoint; a President, Vice-President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and a committee of fourteen with the power to add to their numbers. Nominations for any of the above positions must be lodged with the society’s secretary, Mrs Sheila Seal, before 12 March 2012, together with any other items for the agenda.
We are very fortunate that the officers of your society are willing to stand for another year. We would though like to see new faces on the committee because they bring fresh ideas and enthusiasm. We meet once a month on the second Tuesday at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall.
An evening trip to Poundbury Garden Centre has been arranged for Thursday 26th April 2012 (6.45-7.00pm start) Members to find their own way there, or perhaps car share?