February Report

Our February meeting took place on 3rd. Sara Harpley gave us an interesting and informative talk on photography. She gave us lots of useful tips on getting the best results from our cameras, including our mobile phones. She showed us examples of how to get the best composition, selecting the correct background and using the camera at the best angle. We should get some good photos in our Spring Show!

Our March meeting will be on 3rd March, 7.30pm at the school. Steve Jeffries will be telling us about shrubs and climbers. He is very knowledgeable so will be able to answer any questions members may have.

The Spring Show takes place on 19th March at the Memorial Hall, Victoria Avenue. The schedule can be downloaded from the ‘Shows’ link or copies are available from P.&M. Read’s florist on Dorchester Road and by emailing shows@budhs.org.uk or ringing 01305 813942.