April Report

Our A.G.M. took place on 18th April. This was followed by a fascinating talk by our Chairman, Shaun Vallard, who spoke about his trip to the Galapagos Islands.

He showed us some amazing slides of the animals and birds. Giant tortoises, iguanas and birds all living peacefully on the islands.

Shaun also took underwater photographs while swimming among the turtles, sea lions and even sharks!  It was an extremely interesting and informative talk enjoyed by us all.

We will be visiting Poundbury Garden Centre on Thursday, 25th for a talk followed by discounted shopping Please arrive by 6pm.

Our next meeting is on 2nd May when Alan Eason will talk about  ‘Water in the Garden’

The Plant Sale takes place on 11th May at the Memorial Hall, Victoria Avenue at 2pm. If you would like a stall or have plants to donate to the society stall please contact us via the Contacts link.