A Busy September

On 3rd September several members successfully exhibited at the Dorset County Show.  Congratulations to them all.

The 8th September was the first meeting of the Autumn. Ros Gant welcomed members old and new who enjoyed an entertaining talk on Gardening Folklore given by Mike Burks of The Gardens Group Gold Club. Some interesting and amusing examples were given.   The Gold Club had supplied fuchsia and petunia plugs in the Spring for growing on and these were judged by Mike.


Eve Morris’s fucshia took first place and was presented with a voucher to spend at Poundbury garden centre.





Gill Wilkinson also won a voucher for her petunia.




Ros Gant announced the winner of the Flower and Plant of the Month competition for the previous year and this was won jointly by Gill Wilkinson and Dorothy Emblen.


They received the Mary Middlemas award , which is a plate beautifully hand painted by Mary, sadly no longer with us.


On 18th September the Society is entering the Dorset Federation Show at Tarrant Keyneston. We have entered most classes and hope for good results. A good number of members are contributing items from vegetables and flowers to cookery and preserves.

More details can be found on the Federation web-site  dfhs.btck.co.uk

It is also time to book your place at the Harvest Supper on October 6th. The cost is £4 for a ploughman’s supper followed by Dorset apple cake and cream.  Please ring 01305 814887 as soon as possible so that we know numbers to be catered for.

During the evening there will be a talk by Mark Read on Autumn Colour.