We hope you have all had a good Christmas and wish you a very happy New Year.Our meetings resume on February 4th with a talk by the R.S.P.B. on introducing birds to our gardens. This should be very interesting and informative.
Our Spring Show in March will soon be upon us and now is a good time to study the schedule to see which classes you could enter. If you haven’t already received your copy, these will be available at the February and March meetings, or contact the Show Secretary.
Looking ahead to the A.G.M. in April, our Chairman, Adrian Bates will not be seeking re-election due to a change in his personal circumstances. We will therefore need nominations for this post so please give it some thought.
We are also in need of new committee members. It is always good to have new people with different ideas to keep the Society fresh and moving forward. If you feel that you would like to join the committee in any capacity, please feel free to discuss this with any of the present members who will be on hand at the February and March meetings.
Alternatively, you can e-mail join@budhs.org.uk .